President: Claire Carey
president@doverpto.org | Two year term; President serves as Advisor the following year
President: Serves as principal executive officer of the organization. Oversees the Board. Supervises and controls activities of the organization. Presides and participates in all executive board meetings. Manages the Back to School family picnic and New Family gatherings. Oversees 5th Grade Celebration team. Acts as a liaison between the PTO and Chickering School administration. Two year term; President serves as Advisor the following year
Co-Vice Presidents: Asema Khan and Lauren Hawat
vp@doverpto.org | Two year term; Vice President becomes President the following year
Assists the President and performs such duties as the Executive Board may designate. Oversees Community Events. Acts as a liaison between the Dover PTO and Chickering administration for grants and teacher discretionary funds. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Treasurer: Rui Huang
treasurer@doverpto.org | One year term
Assistant Treasurer: Jenny Swift
cotreasurer@doverpto.org | Two year term; Assistant Treasurer becomes Treasurer the following year
Treasury team works closely together and shares the following responsibilities: Records, deposits and issues checks as needed and reconciles the bank account monthly. Liaises with various Fundraising committees and with school admin regarding disbursement of funds to support teachers/classrooms. Renews the annual insurance policy and pays the premium. Files the annual report with the State. Provides the documentation to the CPA to file state and federal taxes. Files yearly tax extension form. Prepares, files and sends 1099s for all contractors. Prepares the annual PTO budget for the upcoming school year in the spring and obtains the Executive Board’s approval. Presents the current school year’s budget at the open board meeting in September, the budget-to-actual results at the monthly board meetings and the written financial report for the current year as well as budget for the following year at the open board meeting in June. Knowledge of QuickBooks is a plus but not necessary. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Secretary: Lauren Coville
secretary@doverpto.org | Two year term
Records and distributes meeting minutes. Maintains Dover PTO corporate records. Oversees Chickering Directory as well as PTO-designed Excuse Pads and official stationery. Liaison to Chickering office staff including coordination of school and PTO calendars. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Communications Chair: Ali Heard
communications@doverpto.org | One year term
Communications Vice Chair: Vacant
cocommunications@doverpto.org | Two year term; Vice Chair becomes Chair the following year
Manages flow of all internal and external PTO communication via multiple channels; newsletters, flyers, weekly e-mail blasts, print media, and web. Manages communications team. Oversees PTO website and domain. Manages web content management team. Responsible for quantity, quality and timing of all communications. Computer skills necessary. In the absence of the Communications Chair, the Vice Communications Chair shall perform the duties of the Communications Chair. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Community Outreach Chair: Jamie Godfrey
community@doverpto.org | One-year term
Community Outreach Vice Chair: Molly Crabbe
Connects Chickering to the community via community service opportunities, including but not limited to the Food Drive and Make a Difference Club. Oversees the METCO Family Friends program and Waste Free Lunch teams. Manages cultural programs, including the annual Artful Adventure to the Museum of Fine Arts. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Curriculum Enrichment Chair: Lauren Hawat
enrichment@doverpto.org | One-year term
Works with teachers, curriculum coordinator and administration to preview, plan, deliver and evaluate programs for the year. Oversees CE team of grade-level and school-wide coordinators as well as Understanding our Differences program. Manages budget. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Curriculum Enrichment Vice Chair: Melissa Pecorella
enrichment@doverpto.org | Two year term; Vice Chair becomes Chair the following year
Assists the Curriculum Enrichment Chair. Works with teachers, curriculum coordinator and administration to preview, plan, deliver and evaluate programs for the year. Oversees CE team of grade-level and school-wide coordinators as well as Understanding our Differences program. Manages budget. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Fundraising Chair: Morgan Guthrie
fundraising@doverpto.org | One year term
Plans and coordinates all fundraising activities to achieve the budget. Oversees chairs of product sales, check writing campaign, and spring auction committees. Manages Easy $ for Chickering. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Fundraising Vice Chair: Vacant
cofundraising@doverpto.org | Two year term; Vice Chair becomes Chair following year
Assists the Fundraising Chair with fundraising activities to achieve the budget. Oversees chairs of product sales, check writing campaign, and spring event committees. Manages Easy $ for Chickering. Plans and organizes Dover Days. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Volunteer Services Chair: Betsy Police
volunteers@doverpto.org | One year term
Manages all parent volunteers for all school activities. Recruits committee chairs, determines volunteer needs, and connects volunteers to committees. Manages guidelines for volunteering. Oversees team of volunteer coordinators for school pictures, library, and Chickering's Outdoor Classroom. Computer skills necessary. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
METCO Chair: Ngoc Kouzmitch
metco@doverpto.org | One year term
Acts as liaison for METCO program for Chickering. Plans and coordinates activities for Chickering METCO students. Attends and participates in executive board meetings.
Past President Advisor: Betsy Police
advisor@doverpto.org | One year term
Previous year's president. Acts in an advisory role to the executive board. Attends and participates in executive board meetings as necessary.