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Welcome New Families!

Let us be the first to welcome you to Chickering Elementary School! You have chosen a wonderful school for your children filled with amazing teachers and support staff, administrations and of course, kids!

We understand transitioning to a new school and town can be scary. Whether it's having your littlest ones walk through those big doors for the first time, or having to send your older children to a new middle school or high school, we are here to tell you it's going to be okay. You've made a great decision and you've settled in a wonderful town!

The PTO hosts several events throughout the year that will give you and your family a chance to meet new people and make new friends all the while learning about Chickering school and its community. The Board and our New Family Welcome Team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

If you have any questions or you'd like to get involved with the PTO, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to meeting you and kicking off what is sure to be a wonderful school year for you and your family!


Dover PTO

A note from our New Family Welcome Team


Dear New Families:

We are the New Family Welcome Team and we would like to welcome you to Chickering School and Dover! The welcome team is here to help make your transition into a new school and community a little easier.  The welcome team has children ranging in age from kindergarten to high school and we are happy to answer any questions you may have about the school or town. Our team sponsors events throughout the year to help you meet other Dover families and find out about some of our unique spots around town. We can also help coordinate playdates with other children and families from your child's class or grade.  Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at any time!

You can find information about our upcoming events as well as other Dover PTO sponsored events by checking out the Dover PTO Facebook page: or clicking on the News and Events tab on this website.  Please also visit our Community Links tab for information on Community Resources and Youth Sports and Recreation in the town of Dover. We look forward to seeing you soon!  


The New Family Welcome Team

Dover PTO's Top 10 Things to Know When New to Chickering

  1. Start times: Chickering’s day begins at 7:50 am and the doors to the school open at 7:35 am. There is a drop-off option as well as buses- you are automatically added to the bus routes when you register. Bus routes are published in mid-August!

  2. Classes and supplies: Class assignments are generally emailed out in early August and ALL school supplies are provided to the students at school. Students should bring a water bottle, snack, and backpack each day!

  3. Lunches: Lunch can be brought from home or bought at Chickering. A daily menu is sent home with students each month, and there are allergy-free food options from the cafe too! If buying, students need a lunch account with the cashless payment system To create an account, students will need their student ID numbers (found in the registration portal Aspen or Main Office). 

  4. Bloomz: The administration and teachers communicate with parents and caregivers via Bloomz, a mobile app available for download or sign-in on a desktop. Your classroom teacher will create a group for you to join when school begins!

  5. Activities in Dover: Dover Parks and Recreation ( offers a wide range of activities from preschool age through middle school. Activity offerings change with the season and include sports, summer camps, art classes, and special events- there’s something for the whole family and the activities are a great way to meet families in town!

  6. Athletics: Many sports have sign-ups through individual organizations. A few of the popular sports offered for Dover (and their organizational contacts) are:    Dover-Sherborn Youth Baseball and Softball (; Dover-Sherborn Youth Basketball (; Dover-Sherborn Youth Field Hockey (; Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse (; Dover-Sherborn Youth Soccer (

  7. Buy a Chickering Directory: In the fall, a digital Chickering Directory will be for sale at Chickering (look for the email!) and it will include family contact information for play dates, carpools, and more!

  8. Join DMA: Dover Mothers Association ( is an independent organization that operates in Dover, and it provides fun activities and events in town throughout the year. It’s a great way to meet other families!

  9. Get involved: Look for Dover PTO emails for school activities such as the Back to School Picnic, International Cultural Night, Parent’s Night Out, the Chickering Spelling Bee, Trivia Night, Bingo Night, and the Biennial Auction! Dover PTO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that benefits Chickering Elementary School, and it provides many fun activities and events throughout the year!

  10. Ask Questions: Chickering is a welcoming community, and many people are ready to answer your questions about being a new family! Contact the main office at 508-785-0480 or Dover PTO at for any questions you may have!

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