Why Volunteer?
Volunteers are important part of the Chickering Community. Our school relies on volunteers to help with events, assist in classrooms, help out at lunch and in the library, and plan curriculum enrichment activities. There are opportunities for everyone from reoccurring roles to helping when you can!
Parent involvement is a powerful tool and can make a dramatic difference for your children. When parents get involved early in their children's education, the results are more pronounced and long-lasting.
Research shows that when parents are involved in their children's education, the children are more likely to:
earn better grades.
score higher on tests.
pass their classes.
attend school regularly.
have better social skills.
show improved behavior.
be more positive in their attitude toward school.
complete homework assignments.
graduate and continue their education.
Betsy Police
Volunteer Services Chair
For a complete list of Board Leader positions and their descriptions please click here.
For a complete list of Volunteer Positions and their descriptions please click here.
Please consider getting involved with the Dover PTO. We have opportunities for working parents, stay at home parents and everything in between! For more information on how you can get involved please download and fill out our volunteer form or send an inquiry to our Volunteer Services Chair at