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What is the Make A Difference Club?

The idea of the Make a Difference Club originated with the desire to present Chickering students with opportunities, even as young people, to contribute and to “make a difference” within their community. Within the scope of this club, the hope is that our children will become aware of the many ways they can help through both hands on volunteerism and charitable giving.  By understanding how non-profits contribute to social change, especially for those in need, the students will also learn how fundraising can be an instrument utilized in this change. The hope is that this deeper understanding will encourage our children to become a bigger part of their communities on a local, national and even international level, both now and in the future.


Who may participate in Make A Difference?

4th and 5th graders and their parents. We invite any 4th graders and 5th graders to attend our meeting, field trips, and events. Parents are encouraged, when possible, to join us as chaperones at the sessions and on field trips.

What are the goals for Make A Difference?

We hope to achieve the following:

  • Develop our Chickering students’ leadership skills.

  • Increase our Chickering students’ awareness of the needs in their own communities and internationally.

  • Help participants to discover ways in which they can make a difference both in their local community and also within national and international communities.

What are the activities being planned for Make A Difference?

The Make A Difference Club meets after school on an irregular monthly or bi-monthly schedule, often on early release Wednesdays.

There will be field trips during the year which will introduce the participants to causes close to home, and give them an up close opportunity to witness the needs in our local communities and how those needs are met through local non-profits. The Make A Difference Club plays a lead role in organizing school drives throughout the year, such as food drives for a local food bank and toy drives for homeless children.


What is the commitment required to participate in Make A Difference?

  • Students (4th and 5th Graders)

    • The club is open to all 4th and 5th graders. There is no requirement to attend all meetings. We understand that it is difficult with our busy schedules and want to make our meetings and activities available to as many students as possible during the year.

  • Parents

    • We ask that you attend the sessions with your child, or arrange for another adult to take responsibility for them while at the sessions/field trips.

    • We will also ask for volunteers to help chaperone, to lead sessions.

    • If you may have contacts at a local non-profit and could help us set up a field trip, please let us know.


Want to get involved or have more questions?

For more information about getting involved, to join or e-mail list, or just to find out more about the club please contact

Kim Hall

Community Outreach Chair


Make A Difference Club, ran a school-wide food drive on December 20, 2017.


As a result of the hard work of the many volunteers involved and the generosity of Chickering families, the food drive donated 1,321 pounds of food to A Place To Turn, a food pantry in Natick.


Thank you to the Chickering families for your donations and to the volunteers for your efforts on behalf of the food drive!


A Place To Turn was very thankful for your donations!

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