We are pleased to announce Dover PTO's Digital Directory for Chickering Elementary is now available for the current academic year!
The digital directory can be accessed on any mobile device from the DirectorySpot app or on the DirectorySpot website. For more information about Directory Spot and its security protocols, please consult the DirectorySpot Website.
The digital directory is offered for an annual fee of $15 per household.
How to Purchase
Please see your Dover PTO Weekly NewsBlast. If you haven't received a Weekly NewsBlast, please email Once you've purchased a directory, an email from DirectorySpot will follow within 24-48 hours asking you to activate your account. Please check your spam folders if you don’t see this email.
Terms of Use
The directory is for personal use only, such as coordinating carpools, playdates, and birthday parties. Directory information may not be used for business solicitations or political campaigning. Reported misuse of directory information will result in the removal of the user's account. Please respect the privacy of Chickering families and do not share directory information with others.
After Purchase
If you need to update your information, please email with updated/corrected contact information.
Download the mobile app for on-the-go use!
In the event of a financial hardship, reach out to Jim Carnes, Assistant Principal, for assistance at All inquiries will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Directory Coordinator
For Directory Sponsorship and Advertising please contact us!
Download DirectorySpot